Monday, August 21, 2017

Meet Ms. Rau

My name is Ms. Rau and I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year. We are going to do so many fun things and of course learn lot. I hope you and your family had a fabulous summer and I can’t wait to hear about it from your child. This blog will be the best place to find information about what's happening in our classroom. I will post weekly updates with our newsletter that share what we will be learning as well as any updates and reminders. I will also post pictures and videos on this blog. I will talk to you more about what we will be learning in first grade on curriculum night on Wednesday, September 14th. Thank you for bringing in supplies. There will be a wish list available on curriculum night if you would like to contribute more to our classroom supplies as well as a sign up sheet to volunteer in our classroom and/or classroom parties. Want to know a little more about me? Here are some of my favorite things below: 

Color: turquoise
Snacks: popcorn, fruit, trail mix
Drinks: coffee and water
Sports team: MSU
Sport: football
Animal: dog
Things to do: run, cook, bake, go up north, watch movies, hangout with my friends, family, and dog named Wilson

Ms. Rau